EKB Translation 类器官研究技术:演变与应用 类器官是在3D环境中培养的细胞,可模拟器官功能、组成和发育特征。因为类器官可以更好地重现在体内的信号传导和形态,科学家已开始使用类器官研究人体正常和病理状况,以及用其去试验人类疾病的潜在疗法。《类器官研究技术》是一本新的Wiley Essential Knowledge Briefing,介绍了多种类器官研究技术的优势及挑战。 AccessFirst register your details to create a user profile for the hub, then login to access all content within the hub.Download NowAlready registered? Click here to log in to the hub.Sponsored byMore Content from this SponsoreBook | Expert InsightsInduced Pluripotent Stem Cells As Accessible and Standard Research ModelseBook | Essential Knowledge BriefingGenome Editing Applications for Disease Modeling and Cell TherapyeBook | Essential Knowledge BriefingOrganoid Research Techniques Evolution and Applications3. Any topic + same sponsor [0], 2. Same tags + same sponsor [0], 3. Same sponsor [3], Content Type EKB TranslationSponsor STEMCELL TechnologiesTagged With 3D Cell CultureAdult Stem CellsOrganoidsPluripotent Stem Cells Share