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This ebook presents practical aspects of iPSC culture and iPSC-derived models, examples of their application to research, and guidance on sourcing and effectively implementing human iPSCs.
Through the topics discussed in this publication, we hope to provide scientists with key insights and strategies on how they can incorporate these powerful tools into their own research.

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Human tissue cultures derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are becoming standard models for research and the discovery, screening, and testing of drug candidates. This is largely due to their fidelity to human tissues in the processes of development and disease. iPSC-derived cells provide the ability to study diseases that are difficult to model, complement animal and cell line model systems, and reveal patient-specific responses for the development of personalized medicines.
The widespread use of these state-of-the-art models has become possible through the availability of validated iPSCs and culture reagents through cell banks and commercial sources as well as the standardization of iPSC culture, differentiation, quality control, and validation.